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Connecting a wallet through WalletConnect is a simple process that allows users to connect their self-custody crypto wallets to decentralized applications (dApps) using a secure QR code scan. This protocol is used by hundreds of crypto wallets and supports the interaction between the wallet and dApps by enabling secure authentication, transaction signing, and multi-chain support.

To use WalletConnect, you need to install a supported wallet, such as tastycrypto, MetaMask, Crypto.com, Ledger Live, Rainbow, or Trust Wallet (Binance). Then, visit the site of a dApp that supports WalletConnect, click on ‘Connect Wallet,’ and choose ‘WalletConnect.’ Scan the QR code using the mobile wallet app's camera, and accept the connection request to connect the wallet to the dApp.

WalletConnect is considered a secure way to connect to dApps due to its secure, private, and encrypted connections, push notifications, decentralized messaging, and private key storage. It is compatible with Coinbase and is a popular choice for connecting to Web3 applications. However, the protocol may not be compatible with all wallets or dApps, and it requires both the wallet and the dApp to support the protocol.